The corporate governance of business corporations is acquiring more importance every day; A clear understanding of how shareholders, directors, employees, creditors, and other stakeholders such as consumers, the community and the environment interact with one another, is of key relevance; thus, our Firm offers the following services:
- Incorporation of business corporations of all types, including non-bank financial institutions.
- Advice on the opening of branches, subsidiaries, representative offices, including obtaining the corresponding permits with the Ministry of Foreign Relations.
- Preparation and filing of notices with the tax authorities regarding corporate changes.
- Advice on and implementation of companies’ conversion processes.
- Preservation and updating of corporate records (including stockholders’ and board minute books, changes in stockholders’ equity books and stock ledgers.
- Preparation and review of minutes to be kept by all corporations under the provisions of the Mexican Corporations Act.
- Management, control and attendance at stockholders’ meetings, thus favoring the adoption of resolutions and obtaining of results.
- Corporate governance, majority and minority stockholders’ rights.
- Design and management of takeovers (whether hostile or friendly).
- Design, management and implementation of liquidation, dissolution, spin-off and reorganization proceedings for corporations and corporate groups.